All about blues: a closer look at Candice Lake’s outfit from MBFWA
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Candice is one of the few people who had quite a few multiple outfit changes during Fashion Week. Maybe it was the unusual good weather in Sydney that there were that many outfits they wanted to show off.
Usually, she can be spotted outside The Carriageworks ‘The Hub’ or the equivalent of the Lincoln Center ‘tents’ trying to snap up a few cool shots of people leaving and entering the shows during the day. (Mostly wearing shorts or a skirt with sneakers and a sweater wrapped around her waist, maybe with a cap – I call it the model – turned photographer look because if I even attempt to wear anything remotely similar to what she has on, I’d look like a total hobo. She, on the other hand, still looks super good with her model-ly legs and still gets snapped by other photogs)
Now and then you’ll see her reappear in a really cool effortless outfit like this one, in heels, perfectly toned midriff showing in full swing (which has been the ongoing trend for the past couple months & yet those Pilates classes I’ve been going to still haven’t paid off) full head to toe in blogger style slash uber fierce street style photog like and all… then she’ll zipped over to a show then out again.
Anyhow, enough babbling… (I’m rather envious at this stage) Here’s a close up look of her outfit. XX